
Full-Stack Web Developer

I am a full-stack web developer recently graduated from Calcutta Institute of Engineering & Management. I am also a self-taught developer. Some personal details of mine 👉

  • Birthday: 30 October 2001
  • Website: sumanpersonal.netlify.app
  • Phone: +91 7865070895
  • Address: Kolkata, West Bengal, India
  • Age: 22
  • Degree: B.Tech
  • Email: sumanpapaidas2001@gmail.com
  • Freelance: Available

My Tech Stacks

Java 80%
HTML 90%
CSS 85%
JavaScript 50%
Python 75%
Django 70%
PostgreSQL 60%

Extra Activites

These are some extra activities that I do apart from my studies in my free time.

Cricket and other sports

Playing guitar


Explore new things